Protocols, Agreements and Conventions with foreign Bar Associations and participation to International Associations

The Turin Bar Association encourages twinning projects with foreign Bar Associations, both European and non-European.

In particular, during the past years, the following twinning agreements, protocols and conventions with foreign Bar Associations have been stipulated:

  • Twinning Agreement with Lyon Bar Association (France): this agreement aims to (a) enhance the quality of services provided to citizens and economic operators by means of a strengthened mutual acquaintance of principles of law and national legal systems; (b) to promote relationships between the two Bar Associations through the exchange of experiences and the sharing of tools and skills; (c) to reach common positions or projects regarding the legal profession; in this sense, the two Bar Associations promote the exchanges of young colleagues and trainee lawyers within    the European Union programs and projects, share the respective environments for personal meetings, establish a «Legal First Aid» so that you can count on a first preliminary advise as well as any other useful information for the client in the foreign country, promote cultural and sportive interactions.



  • Memorandum of Understanding with the Supreme Court Bar Association India: with this memorandum the two Bar Associations aim to strengthen their ties by encouraging meetings, conferences, visits of delegations in Italy and India, the organization of training courses for professionals, exchange of legal information and adoption of learning process by various methodologies such exchange of legal information/judgments/rulings, cultural exchange and interactions, joint study committee.
  • «Convention between lawyers of the world»: together with the National Lawyers’ Council and with Verona Bar Association, the Turin Bar Association is one of the Italian signatory party of the “Convention between lawyers of the world”, an agreement designed to build stronger links among all lawyers worldwide and to promote the supremacy of law over arbitrary power and brute force.

Convention between lawyers of the world

  • Convention among Union Internationale del Avocats (U.I.A.), Department of Juridical Studies of the University of Turin and Fondazione dell’Avvocatura Torinese Fulvio Croce, a research project by which the parties cooperate in collecting all the rules concerning the practicing of the profession of lawyer in the world, elaborating questionnaires and sharing the respective replies

Moreover, Turin Bar Association developed relationships and coordination activities with the foreign Bar Association of Grenoble, Paris, Barcelona, Madrid and Brussels.

It is associated with U.I.A. (Union Internationale des Avocats / International Union of Lawyers), a global and multi-cultural organization for the legal profession that facilitates professional development, stimulates learning and networking, and promotes the Rule of Law. Established in 1927, U.I.A. brings together two million lawyers from more than 110 countries.  To promote professional excellence, U.I.A. offers seminars, training sessions and other events throughout the year around the world (

Finally, Turin Bar Association is associated with F.B.E. (Federation of Barreaux de Europe - Federation of Forensic Orders of Europe), founded in Barcelona in 1992 as a successor to the «Conférence des Grands Barreaux d’Europe ». With official headquarters in Strasbourg, F.B.E. membership is open to all national and local Bars and Law societies within the Council of Europe. Today, F.B.E. has 250-member bars, representing approximately 800 000 lawyers. It holds its congresses twice a year, each time in a different European city; these meetings offer unique opportunities to discuss common problems and to share information and experiences (

Our Bar actively take part to the F.B.E. Access to Justice Commission, whose comparative Report about the cost of Justice and the legal aid conditions can be read here.

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